Dubioza kolektiv

Dubioza kolektiv

festivalna dvorana Lent

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Festival Lent 2019 odkriva prvega izmed vabljivih koščkov mozaika nepozabnih doživetij: v Maribor prihaja Dubioza kolektiv!

Dubioza kolektiv, bosanski bend, ki se je kot visokooktanska ska-punk-reggae-rock atrakcija postavil tudi na svetovni zemljevid. Avtorji hitov, kot so Kažu, Kukuz, Himna generacije in Blam Blam, osvajajo svet z izjemno energijo, lucidnimi besedili in odrskim nastopom, ki premakne tudi slona.

Davnega leta 2003 se je nekje daleč, na ozemlju imenovanem Bosna in Hercegovina, skupina prijateljev odločila za oblikovanje benda. To je bil začetek neobičajne skupine v še bolj neobičajnih okoliščinah. V času, ko se ni razvijala glasbena industrija, ko ni bilo prostora za koncerte, niti priložnosti za kulturno ali politično izražanje mladine. Med globoko moralno in tudi gospodarsko stagnacijo se je rodila skupina Dubioza kolektiv.

Danes kultna balkanska, ska, punk, reagge in rock zasedba je koncertirala na vseh največjih festivalih v Evropi in v anale svojih aktivnosti vpisala tudi nemalo odmevnih turnej po svetu. Visoka energija, pronicljiva besedila ter izjemni odrski nastopi so temelj slikovitih koncertov, življenjski nazori, besedila in zgledi pa povezujejo občinstvo po svetu. Tradicionalne glasbene oblike zaznamuje posebna perspektiva, ki se je brusila skozi čas in je nabita z visoko stopnjo pozitivnosti. Ta zadane kot sveži zrak! Vsem, ki so odprti za izkušnje, koncert lahko spremeni pogled na življenje. Če skočimo v leto 2016, najdemo skupino močnejšo kot kadarkoli, postavljeno ob bok največjim in najuspešnejšim živim bendom vzhodne Evrope, zapečateno z njihovim glasbenim albumom Happy Machine, najverjetneje njihovim najbolj provokativnim albumom doslej.

 Še prej pa nas bodo segreli dub, funk in raggae mojstri Raggalution!

Kranjski Raggalution že od leta 2011 mešajo svojo reggae čorbo, začinjeno z dubom, funkom in ščepcem psihadelije. Z rednimi turnejami so svoj studijski prvenec iz leta 2013, Mask of Liberty, ponesli vse od Grčije pa do Nizozemske. Med njihovimi najpomembnejšimi koncerti pa se znajdejo tudi veliki tuji in domači festivali, kot so Sziget, Overjam in Cultural Reggae Vibez! Aprila 2017 so Raggalution izdali svoj drugi album Gatekeeper, ki ga predstavljajo na odrih širom Evrope.

Almir Hasanbegović, vokal
Adis Zvekić, vokal
Brano Jakubović, klaviature, sampler
Vedran Mujagić, bas kitara
Senad Šuta, boben
Mario Ševarac, saksofon
Jernej Šavel, kitara

☀ VIDEO: https://bit.ly/2tEKZJg
☀ VEČ: www.festival-lent.si

☀ VSTOPNICE: 25 €, za imetnike (Dnevne) Lente 15 €

Vstopnice na https://nd-mb.kupikarto.si/, www.eventim.si, v Informacijski pisarni Narodnega doma Maribor in na festivalskih prizoriščih.

☀ PROGRAM FESTIVALA LENT 2019: www.festival-lent.si/program/

Dubioza kolektiv, the Bosnian band that made a name for themselves on the global musical map as a high-octane, ska-punk-reggae-rock attraction. The band that brought us instant classics like Kažu, Kukuz, Himna generacije and Blam Blam are conquering the world with over-the-top energy, lucid lyrics and an on-stage performance that would bring even a statue to life.

A long long time ago, all the way back in 2003, in a galaxy far far away, in the piece of land known as Bosnia and Herzegovina, a group of friends decided to form a band. This marked the beginning of an unusual group of artists under even more unusual circumstances. This was a time when the music industry was in ruins, when there was no room or will for gigs, when there was no room or platform for the youth to express themselves either culturally or politically. It was during a deep moral and economic downturn that Dubioza kolektiv first saw the light of day.

The band, known today as the cult ska, punk, reggae and rock band hailing from the Balkans, played the largest and most prominent music festivals in Europe and crossed off a series of highly-publicized world tours from their bucket list. Off-the-charts energy, deep-cutting lyrics and amazing on-stage antics come together in an unforgettable concert experience, whereby their perspective on life, their lyrics and the tone and example they set for others connect concert goers all across the world. They give traditional musical forms a fresh perspective that was years in the making and is brimming with positivity. They truly hit you like a bout of fresh air!

A Dubioza kolektiv concert will change the life views of anyone willing to embrace a new experience. Fast forward to 2016 and the group are stronger than ever, able to go toe to toe with the greatest and most successful live bands of Eastern Europe. Sealing it off is their record Happy Machine, probably their most provocative album to date.

 But before that: high-octane, ska-punk-reggae-rock attraction for an unforgettable Festival Lent 2019 kick-off - Raggalution!

Raggalution have been cooking their reggae fusion stew since 2011, seasoning it with dub, funk, and a pinch of psychedelics. The band from Kranj, Slovenia, has come a long way since their debut album Mask of Liberty, released in 2013. They have toured across Europe, playing obscure underground venues as well as major music festivals like Sziget, Overjam, and Cultural Reggae Vibez. In April 2017 the band released their second album Gatekeeper, taking their sound to new heights. Armed with their new album, Raggalution are currently promoting their unique brand of fusion reggae across Europe.

Almir Hasanbegović, vocals
Adis Zvekić, vocals
Brano Jakubović, keyboards, sampler
Vedran Mujagić, bass
Senad Šuta, drums
Mario Ševarac, saxophone
Jernej Šavel, guitar

☀ VIDEO: https://bit.ly/2tEKZJg
☀ MORE: www.festival-lent.si

☀ ADMISSION: 25 €, for (Daily) Lenta holders 15 €

Tickets available at https://nd-mb.kupikarto.si/, www.eventim.si, Narodni dom Maribor and festival vanues.

☀ FESTIVAL LENT 2019 PROGRAMME : www.festival-lent.si/program/