★★★★★★★★★★ SLO ★★★★★★★★★★
Zelo žalostne novice....
Na žalost moramo datum za HTS 7 dogodek ponovno prestaviti.
Vladni ukrepi v zvezi s COVID-19 nam žal ne dopuščajo izvedbe dogodka tudi v oktobru.
Nov datum bo zagotovo v letu 2021, več informacij sledi.
Zelo smo razočarani nad situacijo, saj nismo žurali z vami že 1 leto..
Zelo vas tudi pogrešamo, trenutne okoliščine nas žalostijo in jezijo, vendar smo žal v zvezi s COVID-19 situacijo nemočni.
Vsekakor pa se ECO festival pravljica nadaljuje tudi v prihodnje!
Informacije glede vstopnic:
1. Že kupljene vstopnice veljajo za nov datum.
2. Kupce, ki bi kljub prestavitvi dogodka na nov termin želeli povračilo denarja, naprošamo, da vračilo opravlja najkasneje do 10.10.2020 in sicer na prodajnem mestu, kjer so vstopnice kupili.
Če ste vstopnico kupili preko spleta, pišite na podpora@olaii.com, sporočilo pošljite iz e-mail naslova, ki ste ga uporabili ob nakupu. V sporočilu navedite za kateri dogodek želite povrnjeno kupnino ter podatke o vstopnicah.
Peace, Love, Unity, Respect
V želji, da se čimprej vidimo in skupaj zažuramo, vas lepo pozdravljamo.
★★★★★★★★★★ ENG ★★★★★★★★★★
Very sad news ....
Unfortunately we are forced to reschedule HTS 7 event again!
Government restrictions regarding COVID-19 do not allow us to hold the event in October.
The new date will definitely be in 2021, more information to follow.
We are very disappointed with the situation, as we have not been partying with you for 1 year
We miss you very much, the current circumstances make us sad and angry, but unfortunately we are powerless regarding the COVID-19 situation.
In any case, the ECO festival madness continues!
Tickets information:
1. Tickets already purchased are valid for new date.
2. Customers who, despite the event is being moved to a new date, would like to receive a refund are asked to request the refund for tickets until 10.10.2020 at the point of sale where they purchased the tickets.
If you purchased your ticket online, write to support@olaii.com, send a message from the e-mail address which was used for the purchase. Please indicate in the message for which event you would like refund and ticket information (number of ticket, price of tickets etc).