Gustaf, Pekarna, Maribor, Slovenia

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ILS (Distinctive records, UK)

Tadi Touch
Ruff Roga

Visuals: Innocybe

TOTAL FUSION bomo letos pričeli kar se da eksplozivno, kajti v goste prihaja nadsve nadarjen producent in dj-ILS.
ILS je pričel svojo kariero kot drumm & bass producent.Svojo prvo ploščo je izdal za založbo Rugged Vinyl. Od tam pa je kar hitro preskočil k LTJ Bukem-ovi Good Looking in tam ostal nekaj let. Po uspehu sredi 90-ih se je založba naenkrat znašla v finančni krizi in jo je bil primoran zapustiti. Kot sam pravi, se je po tolikih letih dela z Bukemom odtujil od ostale drumm & bass scene in v tistem trenutku ni bil prepričan kam naprej.
Ni čakal dolgo, ko se mu je ponudila priložnost za delo z Jamesom Lavellom in njegovo trip hop založbo Mo Wax. Tam je začel delati kot studijski tehnik za ostale glasbenike. To delo pa ga ni duševno in kreativno zadovoljevalo in ustrašil se je, da bo padel iz glasbenega zamljevida. Med tem časom se je spoznal z Daveom Tipperjem, ki je bil eden izmed njegovih klientov. Tipper in nekaj fantov iz Fuel Records je delalo nekaj, kar se je imenovalo break beat. Ta zvrst in ti novi ljudje so ga enostavno prevzeli in močno vplivali nanj in njegovo nadaljno kariero. Inspirirala ga je njihova vizija in ILS je ustvaril temačen in obenem atmosferičen break beat album Idiots Behind The Wheel v pičlih treh tednih. A na žalost mu usoda tudi tokrat ni bila naklonjena.Založbo Fuel so zaradi finančnih težav zaprli le teden dni pred izdajo njegovega albuma in zasegli 10.000 kopij. Nikoli ni videl niti pennija od tega posla.
ILS je prestopil k prvemu dj-u, ki mu je padel na pamet in za katerega je vedel, da vrti njegove komade. Temu dj-u je bilo ime Adam Freeland in vrtel je na nu skool breaks večerih v londonskem Bar Rumba z Renniem Pilgremom in Tayotom. Vprašal je Freelanda če ima založbo in Adam mu je zaupal vizijo, ki jo je imel za Marine Parade. Takoj sta se pogodila in ILS je podpisal, kot prvi izvajalec pri založbi Marine Parade. ILS je svoj studio preselil na francosko podeželje, kar pa ga je zelo inspiriralo pri ustvarjanju nove glasbe.Po nekaj mesecih se je vrnil z novim albumom Soul Trader in singli (Next Level, No Soul, Music). Uspeh je bil neizbežen.
Trenutno pa je ILS varno zasidran pri Distinctive Records, kjer je tudi izdal svoj zadnji album z naslovom Bohemia.
Kljub obilici produkcije, pa je ILS tudi svetovno priznan dj. Vrtel je že po vsej obli, njegova specialiteta pa so vzhodno-evropske države. Zelo dobro ga pozna občinstvo v državah kot so:Madžarska, češka, Slovaška, Romunija, Srbija...
Prav zaradi tega je zelo navdušen, da se bo lahko predstavil tudi slovenskemu občinstvu, o katerem je že veliko slišal, a do sedaj še ni imel priložnosti za nastop.VLJUDNO VABLJENI!!!!!!

2006-01-28 17:36:22
2006-01-28 16:06:33
Roar s: ko de viim ti
total fusion
total fusion
2006-01-28 13:23:32
Hvala za podporo pubeci!!!Se vidimo zveèer...komaj že èakam!!!!!!!!!!!1
2006-01-28 10:07:07
ce vprasas mene LJOKOLJADE vladajo od nekdaj al ne????
dr ejko
dr ejko
2006-01-27 16:48:09

Samo se en dan nas loci od super eventa,tako imenovane locoljade,v samem iain taylor behind the turnetableps. LOCOLJADA  VLADA




2006-01-27 12:53:34

roar s oladi brate, isti si odpadek ko jas....MC+ORG p4r4 kake te ti prijavlas??????kaj hoces da te STEREM?????VEMO KI SI DOMA PA KI SPEGLE  GLANCASTAK DA V PRIHODNJE PAZI NA SVOJE EXPRESIJE

pravi si RANJENEC

total fusion
total fusion
2006-01-27 11:58:03
Zmenjeno roar s, tvoje umetniško ime bo na guest listi pri bety.Po partiju pa mi slikce prosim pošlji na  Se  vidimo!
2006-01-27 11:00:30

ljoko zmenjenose vidjamo v sabato-karta za roar s naj caka pri bety rorhza sljikice pa ne skrbi-potrudo se bomkot da bi delo fotoreportazo z  dunajskega opernega plesa;saj vesrazlocni obrazi,detaj,ujeti vzusje

bit ce ljudo

total fusion
total fusion
2006-01-26 22:45:41

Oèitno sem nekaj pomešal.Evo roars, pridi pa pofotkaj.Pa potrudi se!!

2006-01-26 21:46:24

roar s oladi brate, isti si odpadek ko jas....

loco: stari zal ti jas ne slikam..... sej vidis kaj mi pise pod slikico Mc+Org

Lahko pa pises na pa zahtevas da ti pride kdo od karantanijskih fotografov pofotkat....


total fusion
total fusion
2006-01-26 17:40:23
Ne se zdaj še vidva nekaj utrujat.Roars, èakam na odgovor Paralax-sa, ker sem njega prvega vprašal za fotkanje.V primeru negativnega odgovora pa dobiš ti šanso.Sem videl že par del od paralax-sa, tako da vem da obvlada.Obvladaš tudi ti?se bomo zmenli...
2006-01-26 16:28:51
p4r4 eno tako nevmesno she pa se neomo ljepo gligali
2006-01-26 11:49:46
ljoko njet probljem vse se da poslikat, od raketic v guzvi do tvojih dj skillsov,tak da ti samo free karto pri bety za roar s pusti
total fusion
total fusion
2006-01-25 22:05:36
Ne pustima ga, ne boma se spušèala tak nizko...Bi te pa nekaj prosil, mi mogoèe lahko prideš poslikat, vem da tudi fotkaš?!Res bi rabil nekoga nujno, seveda se ti oddolžimo...Karta pa še kaj se bo našlo...javi
2006-01-25 21:42:37

loco sterema totega roarsona ??? jas tak vem kdo je  

total fusion
total fusion
2006-01-25 16:42:02
Seveda sem èu za Kraftyja, sluèajno mam tudi njegov set doma, tak da toèno vem o komu se pogovarjava.Bi pa rad dodal, da je IAIN tudi skrech dj, vrti na 5 deckov.Lahko nas držiš za besedo, pravzaprav ti ga lahko obljubim...o približnem datumu pa drugiè...Toliko dobrih break dj-ev imajo, da se je res težko odloèit koga...ajde
2006-01-25 16:04:12

ej ljoco ce je TAK TAKO praviste ste vsi ljegende.upam da si chu ze kraftyja ker ded trga pa se skrecha tako malo kiriskoda da deda nebo ze v sabato

drugac se pa vas drzi za besedo

total fusion
total fusion
2006-01-25 15:54:02
No soars, me veseli da sma se zmenla. Glede Krufty Kuts pa ne bo problema, so ga hoteli poslati že sedaj, pa smo se raje odloèili za IAIN-a.Lahko ti reèem, da bo sigurno tudi on videl Gustav od znotraj, za datum pa rajši zaenkrat še ne govorim niè. V vsakem primeru pa v prihodnosti.
2006-01-25 15:12:12

Pa se predlog za nasledno internacionalno locoljado

line down:dj loco,tady tuch,ruff roga in zvezda: KRAFTY KUTS




2006-01-25 15:04:18

"Za vse nas tukaj je car in pol, takega dj-a še nisi imel priliko v toti naši pekari videt, " ljoko jas nocem nobenga rasjezit,se najmanj pa tjebe tak da bitt ce ljudo


total fusion
total fusion
2006-01-25 14:14:35
Ne me razjezit roar s.Za vse nas tukaj je car in pol, takega dj-a še nisi imel priliko v toti naši pekari videt, tako da pokaži malo spoštovanja...sicer pa sploh ne vem èemu sploh zgubljam te dragocene stavke za takšne nehvaležneže...
2006-01-25 12:55:20
puba bi mogo v reklamah nastopat ne pa spinat
2006-01-25 12:53:40
skoraj neverjetn si ti andrest of your crew
total fusion
total fusion
2006-01-25 11:06:01
Se nam ne bi zdelo fer do obiskovalcev roars, smo pa šele vèeraj zvedeli za spremembo, tako da mislim da bo tako najbolje in pošteno.Vsem obiskovalcem pa priporoèam, da si preberjejo biografijo IAIN-a, saj je res nekaj posebnega.Skoraj neverjetno!!!!
2006-01-25 10:25:41

mega mitjasamo to se malo prej sporoci alpa bi bil tiho

let`s get funk  & let`s get ill

total fusion
total fusion
2006-01-24 22:16:59

Vse drage goste obvešèamo, da zaradi težav s potnim listom dj ILS tokrat žal ne bo mogel nastopiti. Nadomestil ga bo svetovno priznan dj IAIN TAYLOR(Airtight), ki je bil predviden za naslednji velik TOTAL FUSION event.Obljubljeni dj ILS bo nastopil predvidoma konec junija.

Dj IAIN TAYLOR (Airtight):

IAIN-ovi raznoliki dj seti in sposobnost mešanja razliènih stilov, so ga popeljali okili globusa v zadnjih nekaj letih.Publiki je poznan po preciznem mešanju in naprednem razmišljanju glede izbora glasbe. Ima skoraj neverjetne sposobnosti, saj zna manipulirati s petimi gramofoni hkrati.Je rezident na vsem poznanih TRIBAL SESSIONS, osvojil je nagrado MIXMAG-a ter nastopil na festivalih kot so GLASTONBURY , SZIGET  in FIELDTRIP.Nekaterim se ti dosežki zdijo že veè kot dovolj, ampak IAIN je mnenja, da so to komaj zaèetki. Hip Hop dj, ki je zaèel miksati Rave&House v samih zaèetkih acid house revolucije, kasneje pa postal vodilna sila na severno angleški breakbeat sceni z njegovimi Airtight veèeri v poznih 90-ih.Tedensko na njegovih Airtight veèerih vrti z imeni kot so:Adam Freeland, Krafty Kuts, A-Skillz, Ils, Hyper, Rennie Pilgrem, Hybrid, Freq Nasty, Layo & Bushwacka!, Soul of Man, Lee Coombs...Oèitno se nam obeta fenomenalen žur!!!VLJUDNO VABLJENI!!!


Iain’s Story is a tragic one! At the tender age of 18 months while on holiday in Jamaica Iain’s parents entered him into the largest bonny baby competition on the island. Unexpectedly he won the contest and became an instant celebrity. The flurry of press attention alerted the local Yardie gangs and Iain was subsequently kidnapped and held to ransom.

Coming from the slums of Frodsham, Cheshire, his parents were terribly poor and had won the holiday on the back of a Kellogg’s cereal packet. They could not afford the £50 ransom and left Jamaica empty handed without their beloved son! When the Yardie’s realised that Iain was of no worth to them, they abandoned him in the ghettos of Jamaica and left him for dead.

Luckily, a local woman found the baby, and one look into those big green eyes, felt a mass of motherly love and took Iain in as her own. Her husband, a well known sound system DJ called Clive Cambell, was not pleased at first, but could see his wife was so taken by her find that he finally agreed to let her keep the baby. Now the heat was still considerable in Jamaica to find missing Iain, as by this time his parents had now returned home and notified the British Embassy of their loss.

Clive Cambell had for a long time dreamed of making a better life for himself in America, so to keep the baby, and keep his wife happy, he decided now was the time and the young family moved to New York and took up residence in the Bronx.

Here in their new home, Clive quickly made use of his sound system experience from Jamaica to set up block parties and soundsytem clashes in the parks of the predominantly black Bronx. With his muscular figure and the cool way he carried himself he earned himself the name Deejay Kool Herc. Kool Herc worked tirelessly on his DJ skills, hunting down rare records with distinctive drum breaks and working out a new way to elongate the drum breaks, using 2 copies to carry on the groove for as long as it was funky and keep the tough Bronx crowd moving!

Kool Herc would talk to the crowd on a microphone while he was looping these drum breaks on the turntables and boast of his prowess over other DJ’s. Soon other people would get on the mic and give shouts to people they knew and say little rhymes to go with the music, this is how Hip Hop was invented and all the time little Iain (now 4 years old) was by his daddy’s side. This new street craze exploded across New York and soon Kool Herc and young Iain were surrounded by artists like Grandmaster flash, Afrika Bambaataa, Jazzy jay and Grandwizard Theodore. Iain continued to grow up on the tough streets of New York and follow in his father’s footsteps. After much hard work and guidance Iain earned himself a fearsome reputation as a DJ. At the age of 16 his then Father Kool Herc decided he could not keep his secret anymore and that it was time to tell Iain the truth, that he wasn’t really Black and that he wasn’t from Jamaica.

When the news was first broke to Iain, he was confused and devastated but then became very determined to find his real parents. He did his research and found that his parents were actually from the Slums of Frodsham, in Cheshire near Manchester. In 1988 Iain Came to the UK to find his parents and become re-united with his real family. When he did eventually find his parents they were no longer married to each other and did not believe his crazy story anyway. They threatened to call the police so Iain made a speedy exit and Moved to Hulme in Manchester as it seemed the place most similar to The Bronx, New York that he was used to.

Having been brought up on music, Iain quickly became involved in the cities booming scene and became a regular face at the cities left of centre music venues and in particular at the then relatively unknown Hacienda club. He still had his own prized record collection and a great deal of records given to him by Kool Herc but also just before he left New York the disco scene was morphing into something different and Iain had been to many of the very early house music party’s there. He had become friends with producers and DJ’s like Frankie Knuckles, Farley Jackmaster Funk and Larry Levan and had brought some of the records from this scene with him. As he began to attend the Hacienda more he got to know the DJs and staff and one night after the club, resident DJ Mike Pickering and a young man from Scotland who was at the time living in Nottingham by the Name of Graeme Park were back at Iain’s flat when he began to play his house music records to them. Mike and Graeme were hypnotised by the sounds they heard and begged Iain to let them borrow his records. Over the next year or so the 3 of them brought the sound of House Music to Manchester and the rest of the North of England and put the Hacienda club on the map on a worldwide level.

Iain became a bit of a celebrity at the club and would hold after parties that were attended by all the clubs most flamboyant and committed regulars, amongst others, the then unknown and unformed Chemical Brothers and Alex Coe (AKA Sasha). The Chemical Brothers were always blown away by the sounds and drum breaks hidden within Iain's Record Collection and Sasha was so taken back by Iain’s Scratching Skills that he asked Iain to teach him to DJ. One day in 1991 Iain Disappeared and was not seen in Manchester for 7 years with no one ever seeing or hearing of him.

Now what happened to Iain for approximately 7 years after that is still very unknown, some say he was arrested by the police and jailed for trying to impersonate himself to his unbelieving parents, others say he was put in a mental institute and another popular theory is that he went to live with Tibetan monks to learn total inner strength and become the ultimate all round DJ. We have asked Iain on many occasions but he has refused to comment insisting that to look backwards is to take 2 steps backwards and that he is only interested in what the future holds.

Iain re appeared in Manchester in 1998 and inspired by the then very underground and bubbling under scene of (NU Skool) Breakbeat, he started to put on his own club nights and put all of his musical knowledge and know how into promoting what he calls “the second acid house revolution” …… Breakbeat. Iain set up Airtight the cities first weekly Breakbeat club where he held his residency alongside Adam Freeland, Blim and the Plump DJ’s. Alongside these legendary residents Airtight also played host to Breaks most respected DJ’s and producers every week. He was also using his hip hop skills to teach the hordes of young men from places like Cambridge and Shrewsbury who were students in the city the real way of Hip Hop and edge them away from rural hip hop wackness he had encountered on so many previous occasions.

Iain’s DJ Career was massively revived and suddenly he found himself being booked all over the world and DJing with the biggest names in Dance Music and Hip Hop (Again).

One day while meditating on the way forward and Astral Projecting himself around the universe Iain found himself in a dimension with Tribal Gathering promoter and owner of Sankeys Soap David Vincent. David had fallen into this dimension through a K Hole. Whilst temporarily on this alternative mental plane they both realised they were searching for the same thing, the second acid house revolution and that a union was the only way forward.

Iain was installed as resident at the club and carried on promoting his Airtight breakbeat events in the second room at Sankeys Soap. Now the revolution has been so strong that Iain is weekly resident for Tribal Sessions spinning Acid House, breakbeat and Hip Hop at the various eclectic events held at the club. His Airtight Breakbeat event now takes over the whole club once a month to massive success.

His laboriously long time perfected DJ style that you can whiteness in the main room of Sankeys Soap every Friday is a hyperactive mix on 3 turntables and 2 CD players. It’s new electronic music with Acid House roots and a Hip Hop Mentality! Iain Can also be found Slobbering over 2 turntables as he scratches and beat juggles everything from Hip Hop to Funk to Kitsch Pop records in the second room or at the more Hip Hop / Eclectic events held at Sankeys Soap.

Iain has been busy in the studio for years working on his production career, claiming almost daily now that his album will make more of an impact than Elvis and gain him more credibility than DJ Shadow being remixed by Kruder and Dorfmisser.

After all of his DJ escapades all over the world in the last few years 2004 will be all about finishing off his studio projects and concentrating on his residency at Tribal Sessions. Iain does however have a month long tour of Japan, Asia, China and Australia planned for Feb 2004 and will be defending his title again at this years Tibetan Monk kung Fu masters tournament!!



total fusion
total fusion
2006-01-18 14:48:48
2006-01-18 00:08:00
total fusion
total fusion
2006-01-10 22:38:02
Sanjin- vedno dobrodošel!!!!
dj sanjin
dj sanjin
2006-01-09 17:25:53
total fusion
total fusion
2005-12-06 16:01:07
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