Mostovna, Nova Gorica, Slovenia

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QUARK ( Glowing Flame Records / Mk-It )

His first psychedelic experiences were the party's in Skopje and the love for this music and parties started to grow!

He is living in Italy for 4 years now, and he traveled to festivals and parties around Europe, and been more active on the psy trance scene in Italy as a DJ and started to organize parties as well.

He started djing for Glowing Flame records and lately he plays on many parties around Italy, Macedonia and parties & festivals in Europe like Freaky Dragons Festival, and Sonica Electronic music Festival . Likes to play groovy tunes with twisted melodies and mystic atmospheres.

Now he is living in Milan and lately he is more dedicated in the studio starting to produce music as well.

TOMMY WONDER ( Spirit Of The Moon / Slo)

DJANE VEGA ( Spirit Of The Moon / Slo)

MANDELA (Freelance / Slo)

Vabimo vas da se udelezite
novih popotovanj v seriji dogodkov
pod imenom trancesphere, kjer vam bodo
predstavljene vse podzvrsti psytrancea z
domacimi ter tujimi gosti ter ze
poznano domaco ekipco Spirit Of The Moon
TRANCESPHERE je nadaljevanje
lanskoletne serije dogodkov pod
imenom Spirit Of Goa.

PSYSHOP (PSY CDs, Shirts....)

Deco: Psydeecoor by Spirit Of The Moon