Mostovna, Nova Gorica, Slovenia

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featuring Old School Goa Trance (90s till 2000)

DOSAGE (Macedonia)
Dj Sets:
DOSAGE (Macedonia)

( Hungary)
TOMMY WONDER (Spirit Of The Moon / Slo)

(Spirit Of The Moon / Slo)

psy decoor by Spirit Of The Moon


This time on trancesphere we will fly to some older spheres of psy-goa music.
Trancesphere will be featuring music from the early 90's till 2000 with some newer
classics of goa sound.
DOSAGE from macedonia will be performing their classic sound with elements of old school
goa trance in their unreleased music. For sure something new for all trance listeners.
Music on the partie will be from the cult labels like Return to the source, Krembo records,
Dragonfly, Organic records, T.I.P. , Platipus, Spiritzone,.......
Dosage is a side project of UMINUM.The music follows the Uminum concept filled with funky parts, ethnic melodies and lots of suomi influence, but with higher bpm rates and more tensed moments.They performed on many underground parties in Macedonia, and the (Sky Gravity) festival in Ukraine.
We will be transphered in the mid 90's. The journey will start on 16 december.

Tokratni Tranceshpere nas bo prestavil v sredino devedesetih,
saj se bo vrtela glasba iz obdobja 1990-2000. Vrtela se bo namreè stara Goa.
Tokratni event je obvezen za vse ljubitelje starega Goa Trancea.
Priložnost boste imeli slišati glasbo kultnih založb kot so
Return To The Source, Dragonfly, Transient, Krembo records,
T.I.P. records, Platipus,Blue Room,Spiritzone,Moonshine music,...
V goste je vabljen tudi makedonski duo DOSAGE, ki je stranski projekt od
Uminum. Njihova glasba vsebuje korenine starega goa trancea z novejšimi
inovativnimi elementi ter napolnjena z funky ritmi, etno melodijami
ter veliko suomi influence.