X-Terminate 3 - The face of pain

Seifenfabrik, Graz, Austria

To tag yourself at events, you have to be logged in!


- Partyraiser (Industrial Strength, Megarave) - NL)
- Amok (Kne'Deep, The Third Movement) - DE
- Cut A Kaos (Hellgate, Hotter Than Hell) - CH
- Nightmare (A nightmare in Rotterdam) - IT
- Conquest Hardcore LIVE
- Mr.Madness (Conquest) - SLO
- Naughty Guy (Conquest)
- Framerunner aka Negator (Conquest)
- Ryc (Hakke.org)
- Grano (Skullgabberclan)

Hosted by MC D-Fiend


Multi Colour Laser show
Brain cracking 25 000 W sound system
Gaming Areas
Big Merchandise Area
And many more


RU PartyBus
Info & prijave:

041 795 314/ partyprevozi@raveunion.com

Cena bus prevoza = 19 eur / 4560 sit

Karta z RU PartyBusom = 10 EUR