NATURE ONE 2007 - The Thirteenth Land

Raketenbasis Pydna, Kastellaun/Hunsrück, Germany

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NATURE ONE has been around for many years now. Yet each year it is different, each year it is unique, and each year it is new. And that’s why each year has its own motto. Here and right now: “The Thirteenth Land”.

NATURE ONE Vom Campingplatz aufs Festivalgelände Many lands around the world have got one thing in common: the mad rush of everyday life and stress. Intolerance and injustices. Next to each other instead of with each other. The Thirteenth Land is different! It is special and without equal. This is where only joy, jubilation, fun and open-mindedness rule. This is where you experience the special moments in life; this is where unforgettable memories are born.

NATURE ONE Bunker mit Floor, Sonnenuntergang The world’s best DJs love coming here. And why? Because they have heard of you – the 50,000 inhabitants – who are packed with such incredible energy, yet are so peaceful. Jeff Mills, Carl Cox, Judge Jules, Sven Väth, Paul van Dyk, Above & Beyond and Chris Liebing are just as much looking forward to this fantastic atmosphere as all the others artists are in the mammoth line-up. The best line-up in the history of NATURE ONE – at least that’s what many are saying.

NATURE ONE Open Air Floor, Bunker mit Floor im Hintergrund All of Germany and friendly nations are sending their representatives to set up dependencies. Frankfurt will be represented by Cocoon and U60311, Berlin by Tresor, Hamburg by the Tunnel-Crew. The Dutch traditionally come with Thunderdome as the home base. And Gatecrasher will be coming from England for the first time. The Queen is definitely amused. Whether she’ll drop by for a tea dance herself?

The magical power of NATURE ONE seizes your heart, spreads through your entire body and fires your mind. An invisible force unites everyone with the same feeling – the feeling of freedom, music and love. The innate and unshakable feeling of the techno generation.

Think Thirteen. Be NATURE ONE.



NATURE ONE 2007 - The Thirteenth Land

03rd - 05th August 2007 • Raketenbasis Pydna
56288 Kastellaun/Hunsrück Germany
Friday 8pm - 6am • Saturday 6pm - 9am
Camping from Thursday 12 noon • Mixery-Opening from 8pm


Open Air Floor


Century Circus



Classic Terminal


2007-07-28 13:30:09
bravo rambo... èe bi bilo v moji moèi, bi ti podelil vstopnico
2007-07-21 18:18:48
 tega ne smem zamudit, 4 dni droge, pièke, alkohol to bo vedno moj idol

BY: {MBFC}RambO!
2007-07-09 19:37:32
wiiiiiiiiiiiii....komi èakam:D
2007-07-09 14:08:54
to pa ja  pet duo  sam to je mal daleè