Jupiter, Ljubljana, Slovenia

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Posthuman -
otvoritev razstave digitalnega kreatorja in artista Domna Lombergerja (

Domen Lombergar, young slovenian digital creator and artist, produces most of his artworks in only two dimensions. Putting aside some exceptions his computer screen represents his canvas and his tablet represents his brush. Yet not focusing on the used media Domen stays loyal to his expression ... the surrealistic motives often shock the viewer with their rawness and directness Uand emerge a wish to further explore the work and its message. Domen's refined sense for detail in combination with a high technical expertise lifts his creation on an even higher level. His style can most easily be defined as expressionistic, hyperrealistic or surrealistic. The quality of his art can also be described with numerous positive critiques on both slovenian and foreign websites and by various professional critics. His digital artworks have appeared in many prestigious Internet galleries.

Razstava se priène ob 20:00.

DJ program:

D-Mark (Dance DP) Barcelona, Španija
DAVID AMANTE (Dance DP) Barcelona, Španija

ELYKSIR (addicted music)

DJ program štarta ob 23:00!

2007-11-05 21:58:41