28.5. - 30.5.2015
Potrjeni glasbeniki / Confirmed artists:
Hindi Zahra
Silvia Perez Cruz & Toti Soler
Yasmine Hamdan
noura mint seymali
Aziza Brahim
Katalena, Slovenian band
Sons of kemett
Hayvanlar Alemi
Končni program bo objavljen 31. marca 2015! Vstopnice za celoten festival si po predpredprodajni ceni 30€ lahko do vključno 31. marca zagotovite na vseh Eventimovih prodajnih mestih. Od 1. aprila do 27. maja bo cena festivalske vstopnice 35 evrov, na voljo pa bodo tudi dnevne vstopnice za 25 evrov.
Final program will be announced on March 31, 2015! Get your ticket for the whole festival in a pre-pre-sale for 30€ on all Eventim locations until the 31th of March. After this date, daily tickets will also be made available for the price of 25 €. A limited amount of whole festival tickets will still be on sale for 35 €. These prices will last till the day before the festival starts.