Mark Cream







Marko Kremžar aka Mark Cream prihaja iz koroške. Njegovi za?etki v glasbi so se za?eli že v osnovni šoli, ko je bil še  samo poslušalec raznih izvajalcev elektronske glasbe. Ko je bil star 14 let se je že sre?al z nekaterimi programi za produciranje elektronske glasbe in tako se je njegova pot za?ela odvijati v smeri elektronike. Piko na i je naredil takrat že visoko uveljavljeni DJ in producent Uroš Umek.  Ko je za?el obiskovati prvi letnik elektro šole si je s pomo?jo štipendije kupil prve gramofone. Po letu ali devh treniranja je dobil prvo priložnost, da se pokaže ob?instvu v takratnem Kam klubu Mak v spremstvu z takrat že dobro znanima DJ-ama PSIHO-om in LUYGI VAN-om. S tem se mu je po?asi odprla pot proti Celju, kjer je vrtel že na kar nekaj eventih. Med tem se mu pridruži prijatelj in bivši sošolec Matjaž Škafar aka Felix, ki mu je pred tem stal ob strani in ga spodbujal. Skupaj sta v 'VS' na?inu dvigovala vzdušje na plesiš?u in se v letu 2005 soo?ila tudi z novo prodirajo?o zvrstjo SCHRANZ. A ker sta bila v glavi razli?nega mnenja glede zvrsti tega nista nadaljevala. Marko se je sredi leta odcepil in nadaljeval v lažji obli?ici elektronike ter ostal zvest pristni TECHNO glasbi.  Med ?asom aktivnega rolanja po party-ih se je tudi resno lotil produciranja in remixiranja glasbe. Ustanovil je tudi svojo organizacijo MUSIC WORK  za promocijo elektronske glasbe in z njo priredeil kar nekaj uspešnih party-ev. Sredi leta 2005 se zaposli v MMC (multimedijski center) , kjer preuzame vlogo in na?rte za izgradnjo glasbenega studia. Kot vodja projekta vklju?i v delovanje še dobrega prijatelja ter izkušenega poznavalca produciranja elektronske glasbe Robija Trifunovi?a aka  Roby Deep, ki je že marsikje poznan kot dober House in Progresive DJ.

Marko Kremzar, aka Mark Cream comes from Corinthia - Slovenija - Slovenj Gradec. He started with music when he was still in Elementary School. Then he was just listenerof variety of electronic music. At the age of 14 he came across some programs for production of electronic music, and so began his journey into electronic music. Decisive for his future was at that time already established DJ and producer Uros Umek.
During the first year of his School of Electronics ( 1998 ) he bought using his scholarship funds his first Recording and Mixing equipment.
After a year or two of training first opportunity to publicly show his talents arose, at Kam Club Mac. He joined by that time already established DJs PSIHO and LUYGI VAN.
So the door to Celje opened for him, where he played on some events. His friend and school companion Matjaz Skafar, aka Felix joined him there, the one who encouraged him before. Together they took care of good mood of dancers on the floor.
In 2005 they came across a new kind of music, schranz. Since they disagreed about it, they did not continue working together. Mark continued with lighter version of Electronics, with genuine TECHNO music. While regularly DJ-ing at various parties, he vigorously started with production and re-mixing of music. To promote Electronic Music, he established his own organization MUSIC WORK, and so he produced some successful performances.
Mid 2005 Mark got employed at MMC (Multimedia Center), and here he took charge of plans for Music Studio. As leader of this project he started to cooperate with his good friend and the one with great experience in Electronic Music Robi Trifunovic, aka Roby Deep. Roby is an established House & Progressive DJ.

This past summer Mark took part at yearly show in Koper, which is organized by SDJF. He was one of 12 finalists, and at the end became winner of EMPC 3 of 2006.

Vrtel  je  že  z  raznimi  izvajalci:


Kris Kylven ( Juno Reactor )


Eric Fischer ( Devoted Tunes Rec. )


DJ Mary ( Soul Access Records, )

Veztax ( Vezotonik rec. )

Bizzy ( consumerrecreation, Temponautika )


Psiho ( annunaki records )


Ian F ( SDJF)


Ivan Komlinovi?


Goran Iši?


Luygi Van ( Tion, Kazumi records, globall trax rec. )


M.T. Mute ( rotation group )


Anes Sama ( rotation group )


Alen ( undergroundgrooves )


Flis ( )


Reaky ( Omega audio recordings)


Blash ( Impulz )


Daniel Gloomy ( cardiac arrest ) 


Peter B ( CAR, Best Music )


Sequan ( Bush records )


Ulix ( downlands )


Rayden ( Raveolution Beats, Psilon )


DME ( Interparty, Krach Rec. )


Pette Vaydex ( sonicreactor. com )


Wortex ( Braindamage )


Matt M Maddox (bitshift rec., crowbar rec.)


Ted Raslow ( tekknotica )




Ian' (SSC)




Jay P


Stupa ( djslo-forum )


Beltek LIVE






Edd Spin ( Tion )


Tom Cidyx 


Domestic ( No-ctrl )


Uranix ( No-ctrl )


Felix ( )


Vasco De Gama ( No-ctrl )


El-tronix ( No-ctrl )


Lyteo ( )


Zash ( kasas portal )


Marc Celinger & KayKay ( co. autor of Kanzyani )


Elektricutes ( k4, Fusion Breakfest )


Roby Deep ( underground music )


Deny Doom aka Petdendoo ( )


Arty ( )


Angel Anx ( toolroom rec. )


Dani (


Bastard ( )


E-ton ( )


Brlee ( overload )















pred 17 leti
krema zakon :)
pred 19 leti
pred 19 leti
pred 19 leti
dj felix
dj felix
pred 19 leti