Rydel all-nighter at Moment

Rydel all-nighter at Moment

Moment bar, Ljubljana, Slovenija

Za označevanje pri dogodkih je potrebno biti prijavljen!

Rydel je eden izmed najbolj heterogenih DJ-ev na slovenski sceni. Izhaja iz Nizozemske, Amsterdam, kjer je 'rolal' raznolik izbor elektronske glasbe. V svoji 25-letni karieri je potoval po celem svetu. Obiskal je 16 držav, nekatere izmed teh so: Španija, Mehika, Kolumbija in Norveška.
Čez leta je bil aktiven tudi kot producent. Njegova glasba je bila podprta s strani mnogih znanih imen, kot so Carl Cox, Umek, DJ Rush, Cristian Varela, Chris Lake, Eric Sneo, Bryan Cox.

--- ENG ---

Rydel is one of the most diverse DJs in the Slovenian scene at the moment. Hailing from Amsterdam, the Netherlands he has played a wide variety of electronic music. In his 25 year long career he traveled all over the world, already at a total of 16 countries, including Spain, Mexico, Colombia, and Norway.
Also as a producer he has also been active over the years, and his music has been supported by the likes of Carl Cox, Umek, DJ Rush, Cristian Varela, Chris Lake, Eric Sneo, Bryan Cox and many more.

--- INFO ---

• Start / Začetek: 23:00
• End / Konec: 10:00

• Location / Lokacija:
Moment bar
Litostrojska cesta 44a, Ljubljana

• Age Limit / Starostna omejitev: 18+

• Entrance / Vstopnina:
22.00 - 00.00 5€
00.00 - 05.00 7€
05.00 - 11.00 5€