Trance Only

Trance Only

Gustaf, Pekarna, Maribor, Slovenija

Za označevanje pri dogodkih je potrebno biti prijavljen!

Psihonavti pozor!  21. 12. se v Gustaf vrača Trance Only!
Pozdravite skupaj z nami zimski solsticij, razmigajte telo in razsvetlite um.
Ritual bodo vodili domači Trance Mojo DJ-i PANCHAKSHARA, BANG BANGAL in MADA POKA, prav tako pa virtuoza YUDHISTHIRA in KALA, očeta založbe Forestdelic Records - moči bosta za mešalkami združila tudi kot ANTHILL!
Prepustite se toku energije in glasbe na plesišču še zadnjič letos! 
Prispevek: 8 eur


Psychonauts beware! 
On December 21st, Trance Only is coming back to Dvorana Gustaf!
Welcome the winter solstice with us, move your bodies and enlighten your mind!
The ritual will be led by resident Trance Mojo DJs PANCHAKSHARA, BANG BANGAL and MADA POKA, but also by the virtuosos YUDHISTHIRA and KALA, the fathers of the label Forestdelic Records - they will also unite their powers behind the decks as ANTHILL!
Go with the flow of energy and music for the last time this year! 

Contribution: 8 eur