#AKCIJA / Impak (ESP) [Cause4Concern/KOSEN PRODUCTION] / 17.07.2020 / Maribor
Dvorana Gustaf Pekarna, Bass Fighters, Impak
Manuel Ibañez, international DJ/producer, born in Sanlúcar de Barrameda, Cadiz, Spain.
Hiting clubs and festivals in more than 10 different countries and more than 50 different cities around Europe, such as Portugal, Spain, France, Italy, Belgium, Holland, Germany, Slovakia, Poland, Czech Republic, Austria.
Resident of one of the best clubs in Spain, Industrial Copera. He started DJing at the age of 14, music prodcution Started at the age of 17. Having releases on more than 10 different labels, he's got more than 20 releases out there.
Some of his tracks has been reached the top 3 on the charts and was played by the best artists in the scene.
Collaborations and remixes with artist Like Optiv, Btk, The Clamps, Disphonia, Akrom, Kursiva, etc.
"Dense dance music" are the words describing his style. Messed-up rhythms pushing down dark low-frequencies, where any kind of waves got their own way to talk-by. High level bass modulation holding up accelerated heavyweight beats, harmonic chords and weird digital textures.
Evolution gets printed in every single track, helped by technology as a key. Conceptual miscegenation is a tool; only your mind can create yourself.
/ Kje: Gustaf, Pekarna, Ob železnici 16, Maribor
/ Kdaj: Petek, 17. julija 2020 ob 22:00
>>>>>>>> LINE-UP <<<<<<<<
.:: Impak (ESP) ::.
(Cause4Concern/KOSEN PRODUCTION/Dutty Audio/Technique Recordings/Kill Tomorrow)
Za vizualni del eventa bo poskrbel VJMV (Maj Virant).
Damage: 9€
Starost: 16+
Vrata ob 22:00!