Butik se vrača v prestolnico s kultnim italijanskim acid zvokom. V najčistejši obliki nam ga bosta servirala Sergio Pace in Vicenzo Ferramentosca, znana pod psevdonimom Boston 168. Njuno fuzijo med abstraktnim in telesnim, kozmičnim in analognim, industirialom in acidom, bosta slovenski publiki prvič predstavila z live setom 2. oktobra.
Boston 168. Gospodarc. 2. 10. 2020
Butik is back to Ljubljana with the cult italian acid sound. It will be delivered in its purest form by Sergio Pace and Vicenzo Ferramentosca, known under pseudonym Boston 168. Their fusion between abstract and physical, cosmic and analogue, industrial and acid will have its Slovenian debut with a live set on October 2nd.
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Line up:
► Boston 168 [LIVE] (Involve, Odd Even, Enemy | IT)
RA: https://www.residentadvisor.net/dj/boston168
► Christian Kroupa / Alleged Witches (SI)
RA: https://www.residentadvisor.net/dj/allegedwitches-si
► RSN (Knauf | MK)
FB: https://www.facebook.com/rsnmkd/
► Douchean (KRDM/Chagga Records | SI)
FB: https://www.facebook.com/douchean/
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Vstopnice / tickets: TBA