Trance Galactica

Trance Galactica

K4, Ljubljana, Slovenija

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The Wheel of Trance Turns, and Ages come and pass, leaving memories that become legend. There are neither beginnings nor endings to the turning of the Wheel of Trance. However, there is a beginning. Discover the beginning of the legend which is Trance Galactica on Friday March 4th 2022.” Tokrat v goste prihaja legenda slovenske elektronike kraljica DJane Gaby. Najuspešnejša djka slovenske psihadelične scene je ledino orala že v davnih devetdesetih. Za mešalko pa se ji bo pridružila mlajša zvezda EaAruru. Reconceal, Elyksir in Calixta pa vam obljubljajo polnokrvni set oldschool tranca v bazenu. VELIKI FLOOR (trance oldies goldies): Reconceal Elyksir Calixta MALI FLOOR (psytrance): DJane Gaby / Spiral trax ,Source Creation EaAruru / Chagga rec Artwork: Blaž Rojs Vstopnina: 10€ ___________________________ KLUB K4 Kersnikova 4, Ljubljana STAROSTNA OMEJITEV / AGE LIMIT: 18+ VSTOPNINA/ ENTRANCE FEE: 10€ INFO: GARDEROBA / LOST & FOUND Društvo ŠKUC Pink. The Underground