K4, Ljubljana, Slovenija

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SLO. All-nighter. En floor. En didžej. Cela noč. Maj je mlad, a obetaven in hkrati že uveljavljen na slovenski elektronski klubski sceni. Član kolektiva LuckIsOn, ki si svojo pot utira po naših in v zadnjem času tudi tujih tleh. Bil je že v Robert Johnson-u, v Hoppetosse, Tenax-u, nedavno celo na turi v Ameriki. Največje veselje najde v širjenju svojega nabora preko klasičnih okvirjev in editiranju že najdenega. Prav zaradi tega lahko pri Maju vedno slišimo nekaj prvič in hkrati zadnjič. Zato z veseljem napovedujemo prvi All-nighter v petek trinajstega! ENG. One floor. One DJ. All night. May is young, but promising and at the same time already established on the Slovenian electronic club scene. A member of the LuckIsOn collective, which is paving its way on our and, more recently, foreign ground. He has been to Robert Johnson, Wildt, Hoppetosse, Tenax, and recently even toured America. Maj finds the greatest joy in expanding his range beyond classic frames of electronic music and editing what has already been found. This is what we can always hear from Maj - something new and at the same time for the last time. That’s why we’re excited to announce the first All-nighter on Friday the 13th! Music policy: Storytelling _________ KLUB K4 Kersnikova 4, Ljubljana // STAROSTNA OMEJITEV / AGE LIMIT: 18+ VSTOPNINA/ ENTRANCE FEE: Early Bird: 5€ Predprodaja: 8€ Na dan dogodka: 10€ INFO: GARDEROBA / LOST & FOUND