Elevate x MENT Takeover

Elevate x MENT Takeover

K4, Ljubljana, Slovenija

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Elevate x MENT Takeover Friday, 10 June, 22:00 @ K4 & Zorica FESTIVAL TICKETS: https://www.ment.si/en/tickets/ Awo Ojiji (AT) | C.O.R.N.! (AT) | Dorian Concept (AT) | dvidevat (SI) | Fingers Of God (AT) | Franjazzco (AT) | Katcha (SI) | Mika Oki (BE) | Olgica (RS) | Titus Probst (AT) | Uschi Ultra (AT) Less than 200 kilometers away, only a 2-hour drive sets apart Ljubljana and Graz. So it was only a matter of time before the Graz festival Elevate and MENT Ljubljana joined forces. 2022 is the year of the Elevate take over! Curating three floors at the club K4 and bar Zorica, the international lineup includes 11 artists, among them the singular producer Dorian Concept, an artist who has been growing along with Elevate Festival and actually performed at the first edition of MENT back in 2015. The two floors of K4 will showcase a wide array of contemporary electronic sounds with DJ sets and live acts from Austria, Slovenia, Belgium and Serbia by Awo Ojiji, Dvidevat, Fingers of God (live), Franjazzco, Katcha, Mika Oki and Olgica. The bar Zorica above K4 will host an eclectic Austrian lineup, including the experimental duo C.O.R.N.!, the exciting and entertaining performer Titus Probst, and the genre-flexible and eclectic selector Uschi Ultra. The creators of Elevate will join the MENT conference as well for an in depth presentation of the festival, discussing the past 17 years of experience and future goals. Elevate is an annual interdisciplinary festival held in various venues in Graz, Austria, with a strong focus on cultural and socio-political topics. In addition to performances, concerts, installations and DJ sets, the interdisciplinary programme offers workshops, film screenings, lectures and discussions. With its unique combination of critical-political discourse and art, contemporary electronic music and audio-visual experiments, the festival opens up a space for innovative content. Amongst the guests are human rights experts, climate researchers and activists from all over the world, who gather in Graz once a year with musicians and artists, illuminating pertinent issues of our future. This year, Elevate Festival will happen between 13 and 17 July 2022. https://elevate.at/ https://ment.si ___SI Elevate x MENT Takeover Petek, 10. junija, 22:00 @ K4 & Zorica Awo Ojiji (AT) | C.O.R.N.! (AT) | Dorian Concept (AT) | dvidevat (SI) | Fingers Of God (AT) | Franjazzco (AT) | Katcha (SI) | Mika Oki (BE) | Olgica (RS) | Titus Probst (AT) | Uschi Ultra (AT) Ljubljano in Gradec ločita le dve uri vožnje z avtomobilom, zato je bilo samo vprašanje časa, kdaj bosta graški festival Elevate in ljubljanski MENT združila moči. Čakanja je zdaj konec! Elevate bo v sklopu petkovega klubskega večera v klubu K4 in baru Zorica poskrbel za program na treh plesiščih, kjer bo nastopilo 11 mednarodno aktivnih ustvarjalcev, med njimi tudi priznani producent Dorian Concept, ki je skozi leta rasel skupaj z Elevatom in tudi nastopil na prvi ediciji MENTa leta 2015. Na dveh štirkinih plesiščih se bodo zvrstili live in didžej seti avstrijskih, slovenskih, belgijskih in srbskih ustvarjalcev Awo Ojiji, Dvidevat, Fingers of God (live), Franjazzco, Katcha, Mika Oki in Olgica. V Zorici nad Štirko pa lahko ujamete razgiban avstrijski lineup, ki vključuje eksperimentalni dvojec C.O.R.N.!, vznemirljivega performerja Titusa Probsta in žanrsko svobodnjaško didžejko Uschi Ultra. Ustanovitelji festivala Elevate se nam bodo pridružili tudi na MENT konferenci, kjer bodo predstavili festival, svoje več kot 17-letne izkušnje in cilje za prihodnost. Elevate je interdisciplinarni festival, ki se odvija na različnih prizoriščih v Gradcu, z močnim poudarkom na kulturnih in družbeno-političnih temah. Interdisciplinarni program poleg predstav, koncertov, instalacij in DJ setov ponuja delavnice, filmske projekcije, predavanja in diskusije. Z edinstveno kombinacijo kritično-političnih diskurzov in umetnosti, sodobne elektronske glasbe in avdio-vizualnih eksperimentov festival odpira prostor za inovativne vsebine. Med gosti, ki se enkrat letno z glasbeniki in umetniki zberejo v Gradcu, da bi osvetlili aktualna vprašanja glede prihodnosti, najdemo tudi strokovnjake za človekove pravice, podnebne znanstvenike in aktiviste z vsega sveta. Festival bo letos potekal med 13. in 17. julijem. https://elevate.at/ https://ment.si/