Gala Hala, Metelkova, Ljubljana, Slovenija

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DJ W.E.B (Švica)
Zergon live

Na after majskega Od:Voda iz Švice prihaja DJ W.E.B, eden bolj nepredvidljivih in unikatnih artistov z vedno drugačnimi seti. Večinoma vrti pozabljene plošče iz 80tih in 90tih let, ki jih bo večina slišala prvič. Ustvarja pod več aliasi, npr.DJ W.E.B, Child of the Waves, ESP, The Sect3000, je član kolektiva Les Points kjer tudi vodi istoimensko založbo ter poleg tega še svojo založbo, Infoline.

»For me, his music recalls the atmosphere I experienced in Zurich in the 80s, sometimes icy, withdrawn, even hostile, but also in the image of Walid himself: reserved, mysterious yet also generous. It’s all in his music! Just when you think you are in familiar waters, you listen a little more and realise you very much are not.There’s a je-ne-sais-quoi that makes things different and special in his compositions. They sit at the intersection of many genres and sound incredibly fresh to our ears. After several well-received releases under his various aliases, many of us in this milieu were impatiently waiting for him to strike again and confirm the potential already revealed in his previous productions. For me, he is undoubtedly one of the best-kept treasures in the Swiss vaults and an artist to be watched very closely in the coming years.«
Mike DMA (Brussels, 11 January 2021)

Aleš Hieng – Zergon je DJ, glasbeni producent in zvočni umetnik iz Ljubljane. Je član kolektiva Synaptic Crew, ki med drugim deluje na področju avdiovizualnih performansov in na širokem področju DIY elektronike. Zanima ga tako klubska glasba kot tudi raziskovanje zvoka in avdio-vizualnno eksperimentiranje. Njegov zvok sega od deep-housea in techna do IDM in eksperimentalne elektronike.

Music policy: techno/electro/acid house/EBM/IDM/wave/’80/’90

Vstopnina: 10 €

2022-05-01 22:46:45

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