Trance Galactica

Trance Galactica

K4, Ljubljana, Slovenija

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Legendarna edicija podoživljanja spominov na stare zlate trance hite je spet nazaj! Velik floor bo prevzela sveta trojica slovenske trance scene Reconceal, Elyksir in Calixta. Malega bosta pa v psytrance/darkprog vode zapeljali EaAruru in Ninkasi. ENG: The legendary edition of reminiscing good old trance hits is back! The big floor will be taken over by the Holy Trinity of the Slovenian trance scene, Reconceal, Elyksir and Calixta, while the small floor will be pumping in the psytrance/dark prog vibes of EaAruru and Ninkasi. VELIKI FLOOR (trance oldies goldies): Reconceal Elyksir Calixta MALI FLOOR (psytrance/darkprog): EaAruru Ninkasi Artwork: Jakob Golob VJ: BubblesFractals ___________________________ KLUB K4 Kersnikova 4, Ljubljana STAROSTNA OMEJITEV / AGE LIMIT: 18+ VSTOPNINA/ ENTRANCE FEE: 10€ INFO: GARDEROBA / LOST & FOUND Društvo ŠKUC Pink. The Underground