Greatest Hits Of House Music

Crescendo, Spodnje Pirniče, Slovenija

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Joe Montana
(the stomp rec., Italy)
Paolo Barbato
(stereophonic rec., Italy)
Alberto Pasini
(freelance, Italy)
DJ Jaka
Resident of LIPA, Sharkastique Tunes)
MC Simmon
(official MC of Coccorico & AreaCity, Italy)


(synaptic, k4)
Waldemar haslakiewich
(Sample Boutique)

Z množico dražljajev želi SYNAPTIC v človeku vzbuditi občutenja topline in miru. Fuzija vizualij, dišav, inštalacij in seveda glasbe vpliva na podzavestno ali zavestno hipnotično doživljanje, s skupnim ciljem > CHILL OUT. Mali floor bo torej pod okriljem Synaptic članov in sodelavcev. Glasbeni spekter bo obsegal elektroniko z instrumentalnimi, organskimi prilivi in abstraktno, eksperimentalno elektroniko, v smeri ambientalizma. SYNAPTIC "LIFE THROUGH MEDIATORS" |

Joe Montana, Italian Dj and producer, born in northern Italy, in the city of Trieste, near the Slovenian border. He started spinnin' records in the early eighties alongside lots of worldwide known names in the sphere of house music.
Besides his interest in Djing, he also played punk and rock, also electronic sounds on his guitar-bass in a 80's band.The fact had a major impact on his musical choices and widen his horizons from than on, confirming his great talent and passion for anti-conformism.
Being an impressive technician on the turntables, combining every possible sound in an awesome way, he is also known by his unique productions, the first of them released in 1991; soon afterwards labels like Strictly Rhythm, Discocaine,Stickman,Aquarius,DeepTouch,Dream Beat,Zenith Ibiza,Made In Hong Kong,Hole...
Hosted in a variety of clubs, from Red Zone-Alter Ego-Fluid-La Capannina-Matilda-East Side-Taitù / Marabù-Peter Pan-Kilton-Cellophane-Metropolis-Mazoom ...(Italy) Coppelia (Madrid) Fabrik...(Austria) Lokita-Pacha... (Palma De Mallorca) Pacha-Space-La Diosa...(Ibiza) Nikki Beach-Mynt ...(Miami Beach) Living Room-Sudhaus...(Germany) Cream-TeaTer-Central...(Slovenia) Ahoy ...(Greece) Folie's Pigalle-Gibus...(Paris) Aurora-Extravaganza-Otv...(Croatia),and more.... ;being a resident in Amnesia (Ibiza) Ambasada Gavioli (Slovenia) Republica (Barcelona)Touring nationally and internationally, he could be defined as a globe-music-trotter.
Currently he is unstoppably producing and experiencing new vibes and tunes, keeping in mind his most loved ones - new wave, funky and electro, combining with the always best old house sounds; playing around Europe and enchanting crowds of good music lovers.
Over all these years it is difficult to put down in words the substance of his choices, through house in all of its forms, electronic beats, experiencing anything “special” that came in his way, his attitude towards music is, in one word, profound.

Paolo Barbato
The passion for music was kindled in him already in 1978 with the first parties he organised and with the first money he invested in the dear vinyl. Soon after he begun working as a sound technician at local radio station, wich later proved very useful for the knowledge of various musical genres directing his musical taste into a mainly "black" direction. Thus his next purchases of vinyl lingered among the authors such as Earth, Wind Fire, James Brown, Kool & The Gang...
In 1984 he received the first prize at the famous contest "DJ competition" in the northern part of Italy, so he started working as a professional DJ and has since been officially enlisted with the National Association of Artists at the Ministry of Culture and Education.
He worked in the most prestigious clubs of Italy and Europe like:
Jet Lag/Magazzini Generali, Peter Pan, Miro, Movida, Gilda, Loft (ITA), Space(Zurich SUI), Ambasada Gavioli(SLO), Fabric, Millennium(AUT), Silver Fish (London Uk)... and with the most renowned world-class DJs like: Frankie Knukless,Satoshi Tomiee, Mousse T., Marshall Jefferson, Boris Dlugosh... if we were to mention just a small part.
Now recognised as the most representative DJ of the North-eastern Italian house scene he's been appointed lots of times by the media that deal with this sector. From 1990to 2000 he created the first "Dj service" in this area, the "Dance All Day". Conceived and developed for Djs, the shop is very appreciate especially for the quality of the records you can listen to in many different rooms so that it's been numbered on the "top ten" stores in Italy.
At the moment he alternate more and more his work in the clubs with the work on various productions and remixes in his home studio "Stereophonic" in collaboration with other Djs.

pred 21 leti
doors open: 22.00
admission: 2500 sit/ 2000 sit + Flyer
info. press accreditations & reservations: Gsm.: +386 41 506 812 (bojan) / email:
pred 21 leti
hud žur, upam da vstopnina ne bo predraga
pred 21 leti
a kdo ve kok bo ustopninaker jst bi res drugac sla))
pred 21 leti
oooooo to bo hud party ja valda pridem!ssex,drugs and hause music
pred 21 leti
to bo pa za dobre stare house duše vsi navali narode .

pred 21 leti
kaj bo tole zaston , al sam nevejo kok bi dal ceno??????????????????????