RaveolutionBeats present: ORGASMIC OVERDOSE with Lori the Hifi Princess

Heaven, Trebija, Slovenija

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::Techno sex industry::

/ highball-music.de / hifiprincess.com // Canada /

/ nightlife / dancing bear // Makarska / Croatia /

/ ebl.cc / electronic vibes // Austria /

/ raveolution beats / psilon empire /

/ raveolution beats / associated artists /

/ &3 /

::House Oblivion::

/ vox tribe house // Austria /

/ raveolution beats / psilon empire /
Predstavlja svoj closing funky vocal house set, speljan do ritmov tech-housea in electro breakov - ekskluzivno v clubu Heaven!

/ smoke in / HAPPY B-DAY!!

/ pornostars, psilon empire /

powered by RAYDENOLOGY

pred 20 leti

Techno sex industry:

22.00-00.45 DAVE J vs. MEXX
00.45-02.00 RAYDEN
02.00-03.30 HIFI PRINCESS
03.30-04.45 LUKA JAKIR
04.45-..... MIKE POTOX

House Oblivion:

22.00-00.00 ANDY SOUL
00.00-02.00 BANI
02.00-04.00 MONTEVAGINO
04.00-..... RAYDEN
pred 20 leti
/ highball-music.de / hifiprincess.com // Canada /

Internacionalna DJka Hi-Fi Princess aka Lori J. Ward je pricela s svojo kariero l. ‘93 v Victoriji /Canada/. Po osvojeni Zahodni obali ZDA in Kanadi se je l. ’98 odpravila v London. Tam je kot rezident vrtela v 2 klubih, vrtela pa je tudi na stevilnih drugih partyjih.
Po 6-ih mesecih je sprejela mesto rezidenta v Luxemburskem super-klubu Evolution. Tam je vrtela ob mnogih znanih imenih, kot so: Timo Maas, Gayle San, Ritchie Hawtin... Kmalu je sledila se preostala Evropa, kjer je gostovala v vecini omembe vrednih klubov. Tu je vrtela ob boku Djev: Jeff Mills, Chris Liebing, Surgeon, Oscar Mulero, Toni Rios, W.J Henze, Chris Liberator ...
Obetavna kariera jo je vodila celo na Japonsko v klub Kuaille /Tokyo/.
Njena prva izdaja na Shimmy Rec. "Refused Entry’’ je dozivela pohvalne kritike iz strani najboljsih DJev v poslu. Njen najnovejsi single "Disastermind" na zalozbi HighBall Music je dobil mesto na kompilaciji Love Parade Berlin 2004. Njeno naslednjo izdajo lahko pricakujemo na zalozbi Hydraulix Records.
Lori nam obljublja orgazmicen z energijo nabit set iz 3 gramofonov in FinalScratcha!
Vec informacij o Lori na: www.hifiprincess.com

International DJ Hi-Fi Princess, aka Lori Ward, has been establishing herself in the underground party scene since 1993.
Beginning in Victoria, Canada, Hi-Fi's love for music evolved quickly into a desire to start spinning. From '95 to '98 she developed a quirky electronic house/tech sound that took her out of the local scene and expanded her territory throughout the West Coast of America and across Canada.
In 1998 she headed off to London where she continued to develop her sound. During that time she held 2 residencies in London, as well as making appearances at club 333 old street and at various techno outlaw parties. After having been on the scene for six months she accepted an offer for a weekly residency in Luxembourg's Evolution through Luxury U.K. promotions. There she had the opportunity to work alongside some of the biggest djs on the scene like Timo Maas, Gayle San, and Ritchie Hawtin.
Having taken part in the ever-changing music scene throughout all of Europe , Hifi Princess's sound has evolved into a sophisticated mix of techno and psychedelic music and also her other favorite, a warm tech-house sound. She has spun with a lot of great djs during her time touring in Europe like Chris Liberator, Jeff Mills, Chris Liebing, Surgeon, Oscar Mulero ,W.J Henze and Toni Rios to name a few of her favorites.
She has also played at the at some of the best clubs and festivals in the world as well. Places like The tunnel-NYC, liquid club-Madrid, Koneisto festival-Finland, The Best-Zagreb, Ambasada Gavioli-Slovenia, Mazzo-Amsterdam ,Sona-Montreal ,Turbo-Toronto, 1015 Folsom-San Fransisco, Klub Kuaille-Tokyo, Japan Cittadella, Czech Republic, and her residency suncity in Graz, Austria.

Lori had her first release on Shimmy Recordings out of Bristol, U.K. Her track, "Refused Entry", was released June 12, 2000 on the "Collective Thoughts EP". This E.P had great reviews by some of the top DJ's in the business.

After spending 4 years living in New York City , in 2002 Lori decided to make the move back to Europe and is now based in Graz, Austria. Her main focus the last 2 years has been in studio on her newest productions. Foreign Communication under the alias lori j. ward was just finished. It is a 13 Track downtempo cd that was released feb 21st and is available at www.ebl.cc
Lori was also just signed to highball music (www.highball-music.de) Her track entitled Disastermind is now available on Join us records, and was signed to the Love Parade Berlin 2004 Compilation. Her next release will be a remix for Hydraulix Records.
Her ever changing, unexpected style has become a favorite world wide. She is playing on 3 decks with final scratch when she is doing techno, and is also performing live doing her new downtempo project and djing tech-house with under her alias Lori J. Ward.
Keep an eye out for this artist as there is much to come.


Discography: Released

-Refused Entry e.p-shimmy recordings –1999
-fender bender-white label-2000
-kleine frauen- extravaganza cd comp. w/miss innocent-2003
-disaster o’ mine (original) licensed to extravaganza cd comp-2003
-foreign communication (down-tempo album cd) –EBL Music 2004
-eternity cd containing 14 unreleased productions (Czech republic 2004)
-Disastermind e.p (original and remix) highball music 2004
-Disastermind (original) lisenced to Love Parade Berlin cd comp-2004
pred 20 leti
/ ebl.cc / electronic vibes // Austria /

Mike Potox aka Michael Pessl je pricel z elektronskim nacinom zivljenja l. ‘96. Pri 20ih letih je zacel z vrtenjem underground ’Lego’ glasbe. Leto kasneje ga je premamil techno in takoj je zdrsel v avstrijsko techno DJ sceno. Tam je spoznal Lori J. Ward aka Hifi Princess. S prepricanjem v Mikeov talent, mu je Lori pomagala pri DJ karieri. Vrtel je ze v Avstriji, Hrvaski, Bosni, Ceski in Sloveniji.
V dosedanji karieri je imel moznost vrteti z Miss Yetti, Surgeon-om.. Z Lori je na tehnicnem podrocju mixanja dosegel vec kot v 8ih letih vrtenja po Avstrijskih klubih. V zadnjih 5ih letih je razvil svoj znacilen hard funky techno stil, katerega z veseljem zarola v zgodnjih jutranjih urah ali sredi partyja. Kadarkoli je na delu, njegov set absolutno pusti vtis!

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ja kaj je folk a kej pridete???
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/ nightlife / dancing bear // Makarska / Croatia /

Luka je svojo kariero pricel l. 1995 v makarskem mainstream klubu Gaudeamus. Ze v tem casu se je pokazal njegov izjemen talent in cut, kaj publika zeli slisati. L. 1996, ko Luka ''zapusti'' mainstreamski stil, v klubu Opera zmaga na DJ contestu. Po temu uspehu se zacne ukvarjati tudi z organizacijo underground partyjev – ze na prvem gosti svetovno znan Pascal F.E.O.S. Kasneje sodeluje z najvecjimi hrvaskimi organizaorji in promotorji. L. 2002 ustanovi organizacijo ''Nightlife'', ki povezuje makarske DJ-je v projekt z rezidenco v klubu Nautilus. Naslednje leto z bratom pricneta s projektom ''Jakir Bros. Project'', ki s svojo produkcijo ze vzbuja zanimanje na raznih mednarodnih zalozbah.
Luka je definitivno DJ, ki garantira kvalitetne, plesne, tehnicno dovrsene in inovativne sete na 3 gramofone, zacinjene z elementi tribal in funky zvoka. Vse to dokazujejo njegovi dosedanji nastopi z imeni, kot so Jeff Mills, Marco Carola, Pascal F.E.O.S., Simon Digby, Funk D'Void, Umek..
pred 20 leti
ojla tinca*
ja sam res te bom mogla nehat tolk klicart k zmeri k te se mi obesÅ¡ na telefon in pol pridejo računi taki ven da sam daijo pamet al se mi pa sploh ne oglasih tko da... drgač sm pa z anjo jutr zmenena in lahko mirne volje prideÅ¡
pred 20 leti
Vprašanja, prijave itd. v zvezi z avtobusnim prevozom na bus@raveolution-beats.tk
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cox:: najprej doživi, potem ocenjuj
pred 20 leti
ah dej no...heaven je pa res lih za vsazga tko da če maÅ¡ željo z puffy kr pridta...aja pa pozdrav jo pa ji reč če me lah mau manj kliče ker me toooookkk
pred 20 leti
ja tina a se nevem no, men so rekl da v heavnu ni zame pol sej veš jih je treba ubogat
pred 20 leti
wiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii....joj kok bo hudo...se vidmo ne