Hey hey hey.
So 'No Manners' Ft. Spoek Mathambo is about a stripper with no manners and we've got links to a shit-load of footage of old strippers or shit-loads of old footage of young strippers depending on how you look at it, either way they're old now. If you fancy it we'd like you to edit the footage into a music video for us, whatcha think? If you don't wanna use the footage but have the resources and a good idea you're welcome to do your own thing, email your ideas/videos to weaintgotnobudget@me.com in fact email us at weaintgotnobudget@me.com if you have any questions or wanna discuss your idea with us.
If you've got any copyright free video's of strippers you wanna donate to the cause add links in the comments section below.
You can edit it how you like but we do have a few stipulations:
1. I guess that Youtube won't like us having loads of boobies in our video so cover them up with something or blur them out or whatever. (funny is good)
2. Most of the video's have ass shaking in them, the video must have an ass shaking section in it. In fact, if you like you can make the whole video a compilation of vintage ass shaking footage 'cos that would be awesome. Yep, definitely liking the just ass shaking idea....
3. Be creative and give it a sense of humour, have fun. We like the idea of it being like a vintage version of BOOTY SHAKING.
We'll post the lyrics on the blog as soon as soon as possible, you can hear the track on our MySpace . Email us with you're ideas at weaintgotnobudget@me.com and we'll send you a low res version of the track with annoying speaking over the top so you can't plaster it all over the internet, ha!