Special offer during EXIT festival
- Unique ethno camp at authentic Vojvodinian ranch
- Just 9 kilometers from center of Novi Sad
- We offer vegetarian, domestic food and all kinds of beverage
- Camp has its own security and we provide medical care if needed
- At the camp there will be a info center and tourist guide
- Lots of fun activities are prepared for visitors
- We provide transportation to EXIT festival from camp and back
For more information visit our website www.campnovisad.com
Specijalna ponuda za vreme EXIT festivala
- Jedinstven etno kamp na autenticnom Vojvodjanskom salasu
- Samo 9 kilometara od centra Novog Sada
- Nudimo vegetarijansku, domacu hranu i sve vrste pica
- Apsolutna bezbednost i medicinska zastita
- U kampu se nalaze turisticki vodic i info centar
- Pripremljeno je puno zabavnih aktivnosti za posetioce
- Za posetioce kampa obezbedjen je prevoz do EXIT festivala i nazad
Za vise informacija posetite nas vebsajt www.campnovisad.com