
Po vrhunskem nastopu na Exitu leta 2005 se Underworld vračajo na festival z novim albumom in še večjo glasbeno karizmo. Poleg omenjenih je koncert na Exitu, ki bo letos potekal od 7. do 10. julija, potrdila tudi ameriška indie senzacija Beirut.

Pionirji elektronske glasbe, britanski Underworld se po osmih objavljenih albumih vračajo v Novi Sad, da obiskovalce spomnijo, kaj so pravi žuri. Njihov zadnji album Barking,ki so ga izdali septembra lani, je bilo mogoče brezplačno prenesti z njihove spletne strani, hkrati pa je prejel odlične kritike. Sara Bi, kritičarka za BBC Music, je zapisala, da album prinaša lahkotnost v kombinaciji z nebrzdano ostrino, hkrati pa občutek globokega zadovoljstva in miru. Nepremagljiva mojstra neverjetnih elektronskih nastopov v živo se s frontamanom Karlom Hydeom vračata na prizorišče zločina in komaj čakata, da znova «pretreseta» obiskovalce trdnjave.

Eden najbolj eksotičnih indie bendov, Beirut, na čelu z neverjetno talentiranim Zachom Condonom, bodo eni od vodilnih izvajalcev na Fusion odru festivala Exit 2011. Glasbo mladega frontaman navdihujejo balkanska romska glasba, polka in francoski šansoni, ki jih začini s svojim poetičnim vokalom. Melanholično neuglašen orkester se podpisuje pod dva albuma Gulag Orkestariz 2005 in The Flying Club Cupiz leta 2007. Del njihovega tretjega albuma, ki je v pripravi, bomo lahko slišali na festivalu.

Exit, ki bo v Novem Sadu letos potekal od 7. do 10. julija, bo obiskovalce na 20 odrih prepričal z najboljšimi izvajalci iz vsega sveta, hkrati pa letos pričakuje že dvomilijontega obiskovalca.

Le do 22. februarja je mogoče kupiti tudi štiridnevno festivalsko vstopnico, ki vključuje mesto v kampu in prevoz v obe smeri:

4-dnevna vstopnica za festival + kamp + avtobusni prevoz = 59 €!

Za najcenejši paket za letošnji Exit do 22.februarja obiščite Exitovo uradno prodajno mesto za Slovenijo:




Za glasbeno uverturo:




Arcade Fire, Portishead, Underworld, Grinderman, Beirut, Hadouken!, Fedde Le Grande, Tiga, James Zabiela, Joris Voorn, Gramophonedzie.

EXIT 2011 plays host to a variety of 400 performances on 20 stages connected by cobbled streets, ramparts and tunnels - a walk through the mystical fortress is like a trip through a magical wonderland.  Music ranges from rock, dance, indie, Latino, reggae, electronica, chill out and regional music, so there is no better festival in the world that brings you so much value and so much variety! EXIT is still the coolest, most adventurous and best value for money festival experience in Europe for the discerning festival goer.  Offering more entertainment, easier and cheaper travel options, stunning weather and an atmosphere unlike any other festival, ensure it’s on your list of things to do 2011!  

2011 will also see pre and post EXIT events happening in the city of Novi Sad and Belgrade, so festival go-ers can spend longer in Serbia experiencing the warmth of the Serbian people whilst having fun and seeing new sights and cities. It’s an adventure and festival in one! No mud and lots of wonderful experiences, it’s a golden ticket for summer 2011. 

EXIT & eTickets.to continue to deliver the best value festival ticket around, with pre event ticket redemption and fast entry through their own entrance.  Buy tickets from; www.etickets.to/exit  

First release tickets are limited so buy now to avoid paying more than you have to!
First Release - 4 day festival ticket - £89 + b/f 
Second Release - 4 day festival ticket  - £105 + b/f 
Camping ticket - £25 + b/f  

Getting to EXIT is now easier, faster and cheaper! EXIT Trip is the Official Travel and accommodation for EXIT Festival with the lowest price guaranteed! Offering huge discounts on direct flights, accommodation and local transfers in one package, look no further than here www.exittrip.org

EXIT is one of the most highly regarded festivals in Europe, being nominated for ‘Best Overseas Festival’ in the UK Festival Awards for the past 4 years, winning the coveted title in 2007 and runner up in 2010. In addition EXIT has also been nominated for ’Best Major Festival’ in European Festival Awards for 2 years running and has been shortlisted in the ‘Artists Favourite Festival’ Category.

And not forgetting the festivals roots and special meaning – Launched 12 years ago as a student initiated protest against the communist Milosevic regime, EXIT has proved that music is a universal language that can connect and bring p eople together to make the world a better place.  EXIT continues to evolve and bring like-minded people together and although it gets bigger each year, the sentiment and unique vibe remains the same.