Europe’s most important dance music event Time Warp, are thrilled to announce the first wave of events for Sonus Festival. Set on the infamous Zrce Beach right in the heart of Pag Island, Croatia, festival lovers will be treated to 5 days and 4 nights of non-stop, pure class electronic…
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Sonus Festival Croatia announces line up!
Europe’s most important dance music event Time Warp, are thrilled to announce the first wave of events for Sonus Festival. Set on the infamous Zrce Beach right in the heart of Pag Island, Croatia, festival lovers will be treated to 5 days and 4 nights of non-stop, pure class electronic music, in all its glorious forms and surroundings.
Featuring dynamic shows from some of the most celebrated DJs and labels, Sonus Festival sets itself across two clubs - Papaya & Kalypso, as well as numerous beautiful beach locations and boat parties.
Croatian outfit Sirup will kick start the proceedings on Wednesday 21st August from 2pm at Kalypso, with UK powerhouse Circus following suit at Papaya showcasing none other than Nick Curly and Chris Liebing. The first day finale is then rounded off with the all-important Sonus & Time Warp parties.
Thursday’s daytime events feature Time Warp & Sonus and Swiss club night Secret Society, with DJs consisting of Joseph Capriati, Pan-Pot, Bunte Bummler (live), Yaya and Andrea Oliva. Nightfall summons up an electric invasion from German super brand Desolat, with an eye watering line up including; Loco Dice, DJ Sneak, Premiesku (live), Guti (live) and Enzo Siragusa. Time Warp also stamps its mark on the evening’s proceedings thanks to the services of Meat, Mathias Kaden, Peter Dundov and Karotte.
One of the UK’s longest running club night, Shindig, gets the party started at 2pm on Friday at Papaya along with Next Wave (Ibiza) heading up Kalypso. Time Warp & Sonus follow their lead from 10pm into the early hours. Expect to catch the likes of Cassy, Davide Squillace, Dan Andrei, Valentino Kanzyani, Magda, Dorian Paic, Seth Troxler and Matthias Tanzmann on this dream beach location.
There is no let up on Saturday as three of the most legendary brands in dance music roll into town and onto the island to set the weekend alight. International heavyweights Cocoon throw the day time party with Onur Oezer, Dorian Paic and Ricardo Villalobos … So be sure to expect a full house. German underground troop Club Der Visionaere and Swiss supremes Cadenza take charge of night time duties, enlisting none other than; Binh, Sonja Moonaer, Margaret Dygas, Zip, Dani Caserano, Alex Picone, Ernesto Ferreyra, Mirko Loko and Luciano respectively.
On top of all this, are the infamous boat parties, which will run all week, featuring parties from Time Warp & Sonus, Fuse UK, Wet Yourself Ibiza and Cadenza featuring DJs such as Nick Curly, tiNi, Mathias Kaden, Magda and Dorian Paic.
Sunday’s antics will be kept under wraps for now, but with the after party being the chance for all visitors to bid farewell to new found friends and conclude together the best long weekend of their lives, be sure it will be nothing short of special.