UMEK takes two fans to an ultimate Ultra experience

The Slovenian tech-house legend offers two of his most creative fans two tickets for Ultra and two backstage passes for his own night at the Giraffe club. He's putting out a competition for the best t-shirt slogan and his marketing team will pick two winners. Not only will they…beri dalje


UMEK's label 1605 gives away music for free. For good.

It came as a big surprise to the fans when 1605's big boss UMEK posted last week on his Facebook and Twitter profiles that most of the releases on the label are free to download in high quality on the brand new   Why most? Fresh releases are still…beri dalje


UMEK revives Zeta Reticula

It's been 13 years since UMEK released a track under his moniker Zeta Reticula. Up until now.   Fresh out on 1605, Zeta Reticula woke up from his (its?) long winter sleep with a new title - The Zeta Reticuli Incident. It reflects UMEK's big passion, electro. It's an hommage…beri dalje



Kanal A bo v nedeljo 24. maja ob 21.30 predvajal posnetek našega prvega zvezdniškega roasta, projekta Perice Jerkovića, Tina Vodopivca in slavljenca Vida Valiča, ki ga je 17. marca gostil razprodani CK Španski borci v Ljubljani.   Video tizer:   Projekt, ki ga je ducat komikov na tri leta…beri dalje


5 odrov, prek 50 predstav, nastopajoči iz več kot 17 držav.

Ljubljana/Laško, 7. maj 2015 – Štirje glasbeni in en otroški oder utrjujejo festival Pivo in cvetje na prvem mestu domačih glasbenih prireditev za vse okuse. Letos je prvič vključen v evropsko različico glasbenih vodičev »Festival Guide«. Festival je v celoti brezplačen, oder Zlatorog pa ponovno na Trubarjevem nabrežju. Svoj oder…beri dalje



Predstavitev novega albuma Radio Unfriendly po domačih prizoriščih   Potem, ko so vzbudili zanimanje širše javnosti s poimenovanjem novega albuma “Radio Unfriendly” in odmevnimi prvimi promocijskimi koncerti v Ljubljani (Kino Šiška), Mariboru (ŠTUK), Nova Gorica (Mostovna) ter v Kranju (Bazen), so na vrsti tudi prireditve, razni festivali ter veselice na…beri dalje


UMEK takes two fans to an ultimate Ultra experience

The Slovenian tech-house legend offers two of his most creative fans two tickets for Ultra and two backstage passes for his own night at the Giraffe club.

He's putting out a competition for the best t-shirt slogan and his marketing team will pick two winners. Not only will they get all the above mentioned goodies, their slogan will actually get printed on official Umek merch and they will hand out 100 t-shirts to visitors on the night of UMEK B2B Coyu event at the Giraffe club at Ultra Europe. Everyone can participate by posting a slogan for an ultimate party shirt on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram, along with a hashtag #umekultra. More info about the campaign can be found here:

This is Umek's second appearance on Ultra Europe and the first one with two performances - one at the Resistance stage and one at his own night in the newly opened Giraffe club, where he will showcase his new project UMEK B2B Coyu.